Fuses & Passive Components from ESKA Erich Schweizer GmbH | the protection company

Please contact us for detailed information

Monday to Thursday: 8 am to 5 pm
Friday:                        8 am to 1 pm

ESKA Erich Schweizer GmbH
Elektrotechnische Fabrik
Antonius-Raab-Str. 10
D-34123 Kassel

Phone: 0049 (0) 561 - 5 89 04 - 0
Fax: 0049 (0) 561 - 5 89 04 - 22

How can we help you?


ESKA products for device protection of tomorrow

Ranging from fuses for smart control systems and circuits to fuses for traditional applications to innovative fuses designed, for instance, for industrial electronics, domestic technology, automotive industry or also the renewable energy sector. Industry is in the early stages of the fourth industrial revolution.

At the same time, protection of products is of ever-increasing importance. Automated production of recent decades is now followed by digitalisation of production. ESKA’s objective is clear: increased safety, increased productivity and efficiency for our customers. Please find here our broad range of fuses and passive components.

ESKA Sicherungen Teaser


Benefit from our experience and our wide range of fuses: cartridge fuses, NH fuses, sub-miniature fuses, thermal cutoffs, automotive fuses, SMD/SMT fuses, PTC/resettable fuses, photovoltaic fuses, power fuses, fuse-holders.


Thermal Cutoffs and Temperature Switches

Our thermal cutoffs and temperature switches provide protection against and control of excessive temperatures. Our large portfolio offers individual and standard solutions.

ESKA Passive Bauelemente Teaser

IP67K, power connectors, IEC connectors, battery sockets, EMI filters, toggle switches, vandal proof LEDs, switches and more

Our portfolio includes circular connectors for data and power transmission with protection degree of up to IP69K. A wide range of IEC plug and socket connectors is also available for your applications. All switches and push buttons offered by ESKA are high-quality products that, inter alia, are protected against vandalism or can be used in medical applications.

ESKA Überspannungsschutz Teaser

Overvoltage Protection

Our product portfolio includes solutions for effective protection against overvoltages. We offer a wide range of metal-oxide varistors (MOVs) for various applications.

Catalog (PDF)
ESKA Sonstige Teaser

Other Products

Our product range also covers a number of optical indicators. These provide clear and reliable operating status or failure indication, depending on what type of installation is selected.

Catalog (PDF)