Fuses & Passive Components from ESKA Erich Schweizer GmbH | the protection company

Please contact us for detailed information

Monday to Thursday: 8 am to 5 pm
Friday:                        8 am to 1 pm

ESKA Erich Schweizer GmbH
Elektrotechnische Fabrik
Antonius-Raab-Str. 10
D-34123 Kassel

Phone: 0049 (0) 561 - 5 89 04 - 0
Fax: 0049 (0) 561 - 5 89 04 - 22

How can we help you?


News & Events

Photovoltaic fuses

Photvoltaic systems (PV systems) have regaines enormous popularity in recent years as they represent a sustainable and and environmentally friendly source of energy. PV fuses are used to protect these systems. There are solutions for protection directly in the string, on the combiner boxes or in the inverter.

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Climate ans resource protection

Together for a sustainable future: ESKA Erich Schweizer GmbH receives certificate for environmental protection efforts. Make a difference too!

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Battery backups for every application

Protect and secure: The little heroes of battery technology! Fuse links are the hidden extra that make a huge difference. They protect against overheating, short circuits and even possible fires.

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Merry Christmas!

The year is coming to an end and the contemplative Christmas season is just around the corner. We would like to take this opportunity to wish you a Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year. Thank you very much for your support and we look forward to another year filled with exciting content. Best wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

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The sales team is introducing

Haven‘t you ever wondered , who’s behind the sympathic voice on the other end of the line? In order to give this voice a face, we would like to introduce the sales team in our newsletters from time to time. Today’s candidate – Mustafa Kozpinar.

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Recertification QM

Since our previous monitoring company has ceased its business activities, we have commissioned a new monitoring organization with DQS.

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The ESKA team congratulates!

We are always pleased to sharing milestones and successes we have achieved together. The ESKA-Team congratulates Jan Eckhardt, Head of Research and Development at ESKA Erich Schweizer GmbH, on becoming the German spokesman in the committee on standardization of miniature fuses and thermal-links.

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Pleased to meet you!

In conversation today - Susanne Lang.

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