Fuses & Passive Components from ESKA Erich Schweizer GmbH | the protection company

Please contact us for detailed information

Monday to Thursday: 8 am to 5 pm
Friday:                        8 am to 1 pm

ESKA Erich Schweizer GmbH
Elektrotechnische Fabrik
Antonius-Raab-Str. 10
D-34123 Kassel

Phone: 0049 (0) 561 - 5 89 04 - 0
Fax: 0049 (0) 561 - 5 89 04 - 22

How can we help you?

ESKA bietet die passenden Kleinstsicherungen, NH-Sicherungen für die Absicherung von Batterien.

Battery Energy Storage Systems

Electric mobility, electric bicycles, stationary energy storage systems, battery operated power tools – whole sectors are stirred up by ever more powerful lithium-ion batteries.

Energy storage especially requires batteries having a high energy density, a low internal resistance and a low self-discharge rate. In the light of the present state of the art, primarily lithium-ion batteries meet these requirements. In particular powerful lithium-ion batteries, however, have a safety gap – due to very small internal resistance values of some of these batteries very high short-circuit currents may occur. ESKA offers specially designed fuses for such DC applications, starting with sub-miniature fuses up to NH fuses depending on the applied energy density.


up to several hundred Volts DC
depending on energy density
Breaking capacity:
several thousand Amperes
Product requirements:
fast and safe interruption of already low overcurrents for the protection of the battery against overheating and risk of fire
Product examples: